1 (one) 41.3mm long x 44.5mm wide x 6.4mm tall Silicone Lock - shield design.
All EUROPEAN orders are to be placed with Marcus at Trust in Mannheim. You may reach his shop at shop@trust-mannheim.de http://www.trust-mannheim.de
All CANADIAN orders are to be placed with Eric in Winnipeg. You can reach him at BlueHeruka@gmail.com
All AUSTRALIAN and NEW ZEALAND orders are to be placed with Luna Cobra and Joeltron at lunacobra.net@gmail.com http://www.firstblood.com.au
All MEXICAN and CENTRAL AMERICAN orders are to be placed with Johann in Costa Rica. You may reach him at johannlop@hotmail.com newskullstudio.com or facebook.com/johannlopezbodmod
Todas nuestras ordenes desde Mexico y Centro America serian atravez de johann lopez de Costa Rica. lo pueden contactar al correo johannlop@hotmail.com newskullstudio.com or facebook.com/johannlopezbodmod